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How To Kill Cactus For Safe Livestock Grazing In A SINGLE DAY (Become 100% Cactus Free In 12 Months, Make It 100% Permanent In 36 Months!)

By: Dr. Gary W. Johnson & James Johnson (The Cactus Guys!)  

If you want more grazing area for livestock and horses, you probably need to get rid of your prickly pear. It helps to be like us, 'The Cactus Guys', and freely test out different methods for 30 years straight. That way, you'll know EXACTLY what works and what doesn't.  

Or you could skip the 30 year part, sign-up to take our course now if you haven't already, and learn all of this stuff from us over the next 20-40 minutes.  

We'll happily show you how to turn your prickly pear into safe grazing area. And because we know time is always a factor for you, we'll show you how to make this happen sooner than you ever thought possible.  

Follow this course, and you'll know EXACTLY what works on your prickly pear, including how to get rid of prickly pear cactus without hurting good trees and grasses. By the time you're finished, you'll learn how to create usable grazing area in a single day.  

You'll learn how to become almost 100% cactus free inside of 12 months. We'll show you how to avoid ALL the usual cost waste associated with 'traditional methods' of prickly pear management. Finally, you'll learn how to make these changes 100% permanent by killing off the roots for good.  

Best of all? This course is FREE!  

By NOT following our course, you are automatically putting yourself at risk for a bad experience with your prickly pear management, and being out quite a bit of wasted money with no results.  

Even worse? - Not being able to get all your money back in the event that 'X' method doesn't pan out.  

Worse still? - You might actually make your problem worse, or at the very least, your cactus just comes back when you stop paying to deal with it.  

Worst of all? - If your animals are currently experiencing 'cactus-related health issues', or if you've already lost good bulls and cows to cactus because they 'got hooked on pears', then by NOT following our course, you risk losing more bulls at $4,000-5,000 a head. The same goes for cows at $1,600-1,700 a head.  

To our mind, if you paid $30-300 an acre in sprays for more grazing area? Then your animals shouldn't even have so much as needles in their noses...  

...but what do we know? We've only been doing this work for 30 years! Here's how WE define getting rid of cactus effectively:  

Kill - verb (used with object)  

1. To deprive of life in any manner; cause the death of; slay.  

Synonyms: slaughter, massacre, butcher; hang, electrocute, behead, guillotine, strangle, garrote; assassinate.  

2. To destroy; do away with; extinguish: His response killed our hopes.  

3. To destroy or neutralize the active qualities of: to kill an odor.  

Between 'control', 'treat', and 'kill', only ONE of these words means your cactus cannot come back. This is an important distinction! It's what sets us apart from the traditional methods. Followed properly, our methods ensure that your cactus never comes back. A straight-up KILL.  

The whole reason for getting rid of prickly pear is to have more safe grazing for livestock and horses, increase your overall stocking numbers, minimize animal health problems/death loss, and give snakes and vermin less places to hide.  

Time is a factor in all of this.  

If given an opportunity to learn a better method to get rid of prickly pear RIGHT NOW, why would anyone do it the old way and wait 2-4 years, merely 'hoping' these things will happen to them?  

I cover all of this, in detail, in my FREE Course, which you can get here. We'll look at different prickly pear management strategies in this course.  

We'll point out every mistake that most livestock ranchers make when trying to create more grazing for their animals. But first, it's important for you to understand the single most important formula to guaranteeing a successful prickly pear kill:  

[RIGHT KIND Of Cactus Damage] + [RIGHT TIMES For Applying That Damage] = [More Grazing Area]  

If you're struggling with prickly pear, then I've just given you the best news you've ever heard! At the very least, wouldn't you want to take our short course and find out what this formula means?  

Contrary to what you might think, getting rid of prickly pear doesn't have to be a costly, up-hill battle. It doesn't have to take FOREVER to kill it! In fact, 'spraying' or traditional 'mechanical control' on prickly pear are two ways that, for most folks, can almost ensure that you won't ever get rid of your prickly pear!  

Instead, what if I told you that you only need a way to apply the right kind of damage to your prickly pear, at the right times, and have a practical way to scale this approach out to cover your whole property, for a finite amount of time, to solve your problem forever? Done correctly, this method can give you immediate safe grazing territory on Day 01 of using it, and a clear-cut roadmap to a 100% permanent root kill, within 36 months, and with minimal effort.  

The bad news? If you don't do this, exactly how we show you, your cactus WILL eventually grow back. The good news? It's actually easier to use our method the right way! To 'screw this up', you'd either have to try REALLY HARD, or just not be trying at all.  

Do our method right, and you can realistically expect safe grazing territory on Day 01, ZERO cactus within 12 months, and a complete root-kill by 36 months.  

Do our method COMPLETELY WRONG? You'll notice a 'temporary property improvement', but the cactus will simply grow back in 3-6 months. But I'm betting that if you've read this far, then you can follow simple directions. Like I said, it's actually EASIER to do it right. It's actually HARD WORK to screw this up at all!  

It all comes down to (Right Damage + Right Times = Success).  

This formula is the most IMPORTANT thing to remember when you take our course. In fact, do me a favor? Before you go through the course, I'd really like it if you could get ready for the online class by making sure you have the following items on this checklist 100% squared away:  

1. Forget EVERTHING You Think You Know About Prickly Pear - I can GUARANTEE you haven't ever tried what we're about to teach you to do in our course. But once you learn it and figure out how you can apply it to your place, I promise you'll wish you had tried this first!  

2. Stop Worrying About 'Whether Or Not' This Method Will Work For Your Situation - For now, let's pretend you already KNOW that it will work on your place. We'll go into detail on how to find out if our method can work on your place. I'll do even more than that...  

(I'll show you how to be 100% CERTAIN that this thing either will/won't work for you! As you'll soon find out, it's very easy to find out this key information. But in the meantime? Just go through the course, and allow yourself to learn something new.)  

3. IMPORTANT: Pay Very Careful Attention To The Videos Of This Training Course!!! - The lessons you learn there will teach you how to handle roots and re-growth. If you understand and act on these lessons correctly, the way we show you, you will GUARANTEE your own success in turning your cactus into a safe grazing area. But the details we talk about here are also very EASY to miss!  

(I can tell you right now: if you miss the videos, you will NOT understand how our method works. So please, you've already gotten this far. If you do nothing else, please do this one thing!)  

[RIGHT KIND Of Cactus Damage] + [RIGHT TIMES For Applying That Damage] = [More Grazing Area]  

This course might seem like a lot of information to take in at first. But everything about the training course comes down to this simple formula. So keep this checklist in mind, go through our course, and APPLY this information to your place!  

Just so you know: this is NOT a long course. We know that time is a factor for you, so the lessons are super quick. Even if you're the busiest person on the planet, we made this course so you can finish each lesson in a 20-40 minutes of your time. Over a morning coffee? A short lunch break? On the John? Whatever works for you! Do it.  

So I'm going to go 'on faith' here that if safe grazing area really IS important to you, then you'll make the time to learn this stuff. Especially since we're specifically teaching you how to get MORE grazing area, sooner than you ever thought possible!  

Of course, I always ask our people to simply take the course. I ask our people to learn how to do our technique FIRST. I ask our people to stop worrying about whether or not it will work for YOUR situation. I even tell them we've ALREADY got that part covered in the course...  

...But too often, I get people who could care less about 'what' our technique is. They only care:  

1. That It Works. (they already believe us and are ready to put this stuff to use).  

2. That It Works For Them (will it work with MY rocks, trees, terrain, etc?).  

I always tell them, "Take the course. It's all there." I'll even show you how to be 100% CERTAIN that our method will (or won't) work for your place. No guesswork. No wasted time and money on something that won't work for you. Believe me, you'll know RIGHT AWAY if our methods are 'do-able' for your place!  

So stick with me, go through the course, and I promise it will ALL make sense when you're done. That's fair enough, right?  

In addition to, "Will this work for me?" I'll answer all of these common questions as well:  

• "How is it even POSSIBLE that I can turn my cactus into 'safe grazing area' on the very first day of using your method?"  

• "How can you can help me to ensure the safety of my livestock and horses from health issues and even costly DEATH LOSS related to prickly pear?"  

• "How can I get rid of cactus WITHOUT hurting my good trees and grasses?"

• "How is it that you can help me to get rid of SNAKES, rats, and mice?"  

• "How do I make this change PERMANENT so I never pay another cent on my cactus again?"  

I'll even give you a 'mini-spoiler' for what our course is about: What if I told you that instead of thinking that, "Prickly pear cactus takes FOREVER to die," and that you have to, "Wait 2-4 YEARS to see any results from spraying (if they happen at all)," that you should instead use a new method that makes it so your cactus cannot hold water or feed itself? There is only ONE type of cactus on earth that can't hold water or feed itself. It's called a DEAD CACTUS!  

Sure, you could 'try your luck' with sprays at $30-300/acre, but why? Do you really want to put THAT kind of money at risk of being wasted on your cactus? With no way of getting it all back if it doesn't work out the way you hoped? Sprays are 'iffy' on prickly pear, when it doesn't really need to be that way!  

I have a better idea: why not learn a NEW, rock-solid strategy for getting more grazing area, RIGHT NOW, and a way to make these changes PERMANENT. Best of all, you'll have learned it all for FREE!  

In our course, you'll learn exactly what it takes to create more safe grazing area immediately, to keep your livestock and horses protected from cactus forever, and to achieve this result permanently, without hurting your good trees and grasses.

The RIGHT kind of cactus damage, applied at the RIGHT times, will net you more grazing area for your livestock and horses than anything else that's on the market today! Do everything we tell you, and we guarantee your success!  

So sign up to take our course (if you haven't aready) and get started today.  

Talk Soon, 

Dr. Gary W. Johnson and James Johnson A.K.A The Cactus Guys! 


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